Finding the perfect designer handbag is the dream of every woman. However, in the last few years, investing in the best designer handbag is the dream of every investor with market experts suggesting that the trend will grow stronger as more and more investors are scanning this type of market. The reason behind is the excellent return on investment rate that offers plus the added option for portfolio diversification which is much needed in times of negative financial developments.
Designer handbags have great value on the resale market, as more e-commerce platforms provide an opportunity for fashionistas to sell their used bags on the second-hand market. Rebag, the luxury handbag resale site based in New York City, has launched a new tool to help customers see just how valuable their Gucci, Fendi, Prada or just about any handbag designer is. Its new Comprehensive Luxury Appraisal Index for Resale (CLAIR) shows consumers exactly how much money they can get from the selling of used or similar new designer bags. Users simply upload information about the bag they are trying to sell, including the manufacturer, type, volume, colour, layout, and score their condition on an A, B, C or D scale. Then, the CLAIR system from Rebag will disclose the cost the company will pay to buy it.
According to data from Rebag, Hermes projects over 80% of the resale value with other designers such as Chanel, Louie Vuitton and Gucci retaining a value that’s between 60 and 70%. Over the years, a number of famous people have invested in their collections of handbags. The leading ladies on “Sex & The City” have topped around many of the handbag styles that have had a lucrative resurgence in recent months, such as Carrie’s famous Fendi Baguette bag, now worth more than $1,000 on the resale market, and Samantha’s coveted red Birkin bag faked celebrity status to get. One of the youngest billionaires in the world, Kylie Jenner has a wardrobe devoted to over 400 confirmed handbags from brands such as Chanel, Dior and Hermès Birkins, a limited edition. She called them “a major investment.”
The idea of investing in these styles of fashionista classics in conjunction with world-renowned artists was reworked. This has been achieved by many of the big fashion houses. A fusion of fashion and art items is typically skilfully made with new and unique materials, have an explosion of personality, and are always very exciting. These handbags make a good long-term investment because they are exclusive, very small, using rare materials, as well as fascinating fashion and art collectors.
As you read, designer handbags are not just bags to carry every day, but they are a form of investment. We suggest that you scan the market and find the best handbags to suit your budget, buy them and then wait for them to start gaining value, making you richer every day.